Your Free Bonuses!
Thanks Again for your Order! Here Are Your Bonuses!
Bonus # 1-
25-Day Spiritual Self-Care Challenge

Want to nurture your spirit in just 10-minutes per day! If you said “yes”, I got you! Drumroll please… now announcing The 25-Day Spiritual Self-Care Challenge! So whether you struggle with negative thoughts, feel stressed, or need to connect with your inner spirit, take the 25-Day Challenge and in just 10 minutes a day see how much better you feel. Please download, print, post, and share this with your students and friends. Finish the challenge and then reward yourself with something nice or fun, like that new yoga mat or meditation pillow you’ve been eyeing, or a much needed massage.
Bonus # 2-
No Prep Meditation Plans

Bonus # 3-
Step Up Your Email Marketing
Dear Yogi,
I’m glad you are ready to get started building your email list of targeted yoga students and customers! I know you are going to appreciate all that you will learn from this training. I have listened to it several times and refer to it often. This version of the course does not come with the videos (as seen in video).
Below are all the components to the Modern Email Marketing Course so you can get started increasing your business today! Hey, we can all use some more targeted subscribers, right!
Bonus # 4-
Authentically You Audio

Bonus # 5-
Embrace Your Inner Weirdness

Bonus # 6-
Mantras & Personal Affirmations

Bonus # 7-
How to Become an Influencer

Bonus # 8-
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome