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7 Ways to Becoming a Yoga Master

Be a great yoga master with no prep yoga plans! The question is how to become a great yoga master?

Well, that’s exactly what you’re going to learn in this article. As a yoga instructor, it’s natural to wonder: am I doing a good job?

What can I be doing to offer my students the most authentic experience in the studio? Mostly, we all want to be the great yoga guru we can be for our learners.

There are many ways you can enhance your teaching game having to do with being selfless, but we’ve also lurked in a couple of not-so-selfless steps that we think you’ll love!

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#1: Build a Relationship with your Students (Ability to Connect)

Making personal connections with your students is one of the best approaches to be the best yoga instructor for them. Yoga training is such an individual effort, so the better you engage with the people you are training, the better you can customize their time in the yoga classes.

If you make your students feel valued, seen and safe in the space you create for them; they’ll keep arriving back to your classes and have a more pleasant experience each time they do. You have to convert your students into disciples.


#2: Always Be Flexible (Not Physically!)

When organizing your classes, it is necessary to have a theme or a concept of the sequence you’d like to explain. Sometimes holding to that plan is the most suitable course of action.

But, to be the great yoga master you can be, you also have to get good at reading your students, and reading the overall energy in the room so you can be aware and improve things like:

  • sequence
  • the nature of your class
  • theme music
  • the step of your asanas
  • the complexity of your poses

The more you teach, the more you’ll sharpen your skill to go with the flow.

Remember: teaching yoga is not about showing off what you know or being in charge. It’s about providing direction so your students can get genuinely in touch with their practice. You’re just a channel for that, so use your intuition!


#3: Find Your Voice

It may be your instinct to take an influenced voice when exercising to allow students to execute their preferences in poses and flows. However, using a passive voice tends to energize your class. Instead of using symbolic phrases like, “You might want to correct in with how your low back is feeling here,” say something engaging like, “Energize your core in this pose to preserve your lower spine.”

You can let your learners know in other means that it’s ok to make their practice their own, and it’s essential to remind them to listen to their bodies and boundaries.


#4: Leave Your Junk At The Door

If you’re persisting to be the best yoga teacher for your students, you know that this is about them, not you. You have your exercise outside your classes for this reason. To indeed be a useful guide of information for the folks you teach, you have to learn to set your ego aside.

Alternatively, maybe, none of it will matter anymore once you’re done explaining an impressive, tuned-in class! Remember, your vibe hits theirs!


#5: Be Yourself!

This one may appear like a contradiction to #4, but it’s pretty vital. Besides, it’s simple: don’t be afraid to explicate your students that you’re not a perfect human being in the world. Be authentic, and let them know how yoga helps you correlate to yourself despite your flaws and faults. You will be the great yoga instructor for them if you can show them you’re suitable in yourself so that they can be ideal in themselves.


#6: Grow Yourself!

This one is a different way to be the great yoga educator you can be. The message is this: keep learning and advancing your practice.

Take classes, examine new ways to practice, do teacher pieces of training, take departures, stay up-to-date on safe instruction methods. Do whatever you require to do to keep bright and inspired, so you always have something significant to contribute the people you lead.


#7: Fill Your Cup/Personalization

Last but not least on the menu is self-care. As someone who must always be thinking of your influence on others and how you can help them, it’s super necessary to think of yourself as well.

The best yoga gurus know you must nurture your relationship with yoga so you can avoid burnout and proceed to love it. Cultivating self-love is the best way to provide it to others.

Recall yourself why you wanted to teach in the first place by always making time for your practice. Rebuild your sense of wonder in yoga and meditation by taking a yoga-based holiday or retreat. Let yoga load your cup so you can proceed to have enough for the people you escort.

Your love for yoga directed you to become a mentor. However, don’t just be any mentor; be the great instructor you can be for your students. If you take moves to keep improving your game and becoming a better yoga leader, you’ll be a part of serving up your students, your society, and yoga lifestyle as a whole!

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